
Meça sua Culpa

From JMDear Silvia,There is no question some of us need to re-look at our habits as a society... I would suggest however that the flesh eating people of the world do not Yet pose an eminent threat to our existence on THIS planet. Despite being a cynic, I still consider myself still an optimist... I am one of those who still believe we will evolve as a society before we need to look at leasing a new planet or moving to the sun. This belief is not derived from any other reason than the belief that we will adapt due to necessity and consequent economic gain.It is important for us to remember that today we have 6.5 Billion people on this earth of ours. Of the 6.5 Billion, more than 3 Billion live on less than US$2 a day (I would safely assume that these 3 Billion don't get much animal protein in their daily diets). This combined with the fact that 20% of the wolds population consumes 86% of the world goods produced on 1% of the surface of the earth is in fact alarming. I could bore you all day with statistics but remembering them might destroy that optimism I was speaking about.Looking on the bright side, I am "assuming" for example MyFootPrint" made several assumptions in their current calculation model. Assumptions such as a stagnant recycling and alternative energy model. It is evident that we have limited resources but we need to remember that "nothing is destroyed only transformed". We just need to ensure it is transformed into something usable by our consumer base.The fact is that we have a lot of work to do on getting meat / water / shelter / medicine / Ipod's to a very large number of people over the next few decades. As it seems apparent that Adam Smith's ever evolving capitalistic model keeps gaining strength around the world, I feel that it is inevitable that we will need more and more "consumers" so that we can feed this hungry machine. There is maybe centuries of fine tuning ahead of us, but there is no doubt in my mind that this system will "evolve", as will we in the long term.Can you just imagine Apple's stock value if he could sell a iPod to those starving 3 Billion??? I admire the ecological footprint test... But being as they can only reach max 15% of the world population online if they advertise aggressively on google... We will need to wait until IBM sells some more PC units. Do your part... But don't switch over to Soyburgers yet (uhmmm, I wonder if there is a good business in Soyburgers???)...

Redação ((o))eco ·
28 de novembro de 2005 · 19 anos atrás

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