19 de julho de 2021

Sob a Pata do Boi: Como a Amazônia vira pasto

Este é um livro sobre como fazer um curso intensivo em Amazônia, in loco, e descobrir que tudo o que você pensava no início sobre a região é diferente. Entretanto, as novas informações e percepções não mudam a conclusão: é possível zerar o desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia. HOJE. Se os brasileiros quiserem.

19 de julho de 2021
11 de setembro de 2020

Amazon meatpacking plants, a COVID-19 hotspot, may be ground zero for next pandemic

Between 2016 and 2020, 26 new cattle slaughterhouses were registered inside the Brazilian Amazon, bringing the total number of meatpackers in the region up to 183. This is worrisome news, given the fact that cattle farming is the largest contributing factor to deforestation in the Amazon, generates large quantities of greenhouse gases, and is responsible for one-third of cases of

13 de agosto de 2020

All talk, no walk: ‘Green’ financiers still support Amazon beef industry

In December 2015, after four years of negotiations, leaders of 195 nations decided to unite to slow down global warming. They signed the Paris Agreement, in which they committed to take measures that would contain the global temperature rise to 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels. Each nation defined its own targets for meeting this

11 de agosto de 2020

Paper maze and lack of transparency cloak investment in companies involved in Amazon deforestation

Last year, journalist Débora Gastal decided to start putting aside a nest egg so she will be comfortable in her golden years. At the age of 31, she joined the 13.5 million Brazilians with a private or supplementary pension plan—an investment option in which the bank uses clients’ funds to play the financial market and generate